I used to rarely smile. Now it is hard not to smile.


Meditation ExperienceI spent at least 30 years as a seeker of Truth and was disappointed by so many self-help strategies, all of which had promised to be life changing. Since my life had remained basically the same, when I found a Meditation brochure I feared that I might be let down again, but I found the idea of subtracting memories I have stored as pictures to be both intriguing and promising.

The process was clear and simple to follow. After only 21 days of meditation I had an enlightenment that was more profound than anything I had imagined during the 30 years I spent as a seeker. My outlook on life changed completely. It has been a year now and after each session I feel like layers of dirty film have been removed. The world looks clear and bright and there is calmness.

I no longer feel defined by the roles that I identified with: wife, mother, daughter, etc. As an African-American female, I felt like a victim and obligated to defend and represent the entire race. Now, I no longer define others by their race; I have compassion for all people. Before, I scrutinized and judged every thing I observed others doing. This habitual judging sapped me of energy.

Now, I don’t need as much sleep and I feel peaceful inside. I can see clearly that my negative judgments were reflected back to me through others. When I have negative thoughts now, I can subtract them and realize that the Universe is pointing out pictures that I still need to discard.

I used to rarely smile. Now it is hard not to smile. Thanks to Meditation, I am visibly happier, my body feels lighter, and I have much more energy. Instead of creating a make believe world, I am learning to live in the real world, the world that is perfect as it is.


Rosalyn Hill(60)/ Retired Middle School Teacher/ Oakland, CA

I truly confirmed within myself my identity and answers to all my questions in life.


Meditation Experiences

I always wished to be happy and everyone around me to be happy. However, it seemed like happiness was always conditional and fleeting. To fulfill my yearnings for happiness, I participated in different physical activities, listened to music, socialized with friends, volunteered at organizations, spent more time with people I loved immensely. During those activities, I felt happy, but soon after, I felt a void within. It seemed like my life was filled with cycles of ups and downs. I questioned the impermanence of life and feared of losing loved ones. At the same time, I couldn’t understand why according to situations, I sometimes reacted with love, sympathy, positivity and patience; other times I reacted with hatred, judgment, fear, defense and negativity. I really wanted to perfect my character; I felt like I didn’t know myself. Sorting out my thoughts to get to know myself better didn’t work. Reading self help books and quotations didn’t get me anywhere because I couldn’t always implement the tips from them. So I just accepted that this is life and continued with my routine.

Then one Friday evening, as I was unwinding after a long work week with a close friend, I found a beautiful Meditation flier on her kitchen floor. I casually noted the phone number and out of curiosity, called the number the very next day. Coincidentally, there was a seminar on that day. I found everything that was covered in the seminar to be very interesting. I was amazed that the meditation was guided and methodical. Before, whenever I tried to meditate, I just didn’t know what to do and I always ended up being more frustrated. I decided to give it a try and after the very first session, my mind felt so clear that when I left the meditation center, it felt like I walked into a completely new world. I instantly knew this was what I needed to do. I quickly became a regular meditator at the Boston Meditation Center. I found the methods of Meditation to be very precise, logical and easy to follow. Throughout all the levels of Meditation, I truly confirmed within myself my identity and answers to all my questions in life. After completion of the meditation, I am truly happy all the time regardless of the conditions. I am now able to appreciate my life and everyone around me. I am truly thankful to Meditation and with the greatest sincerity, I invite you to try it for yourself.


Pralima (Student, Boston / Massachusets) 

I Am Not Angry with the Whole World Anymore


maum meditation experiencesI would like to say that Meditation has helped me tremendously. I am a US Army Iraq War Veteran. When I first returned home from Iraq, I was dealing with lots of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) issues and issues from my childhood all rolled into one. I was unable to drive my car anywhere. I was also very angry and judgmental and could only be friends with other veterans.

I tried getting help through the hospital and I still remember to this day what they told me, that PTSD is not curable and I will have it for the rest of my life. I tried going to school so that I could adjust to society, but I had little luck with that. I kept dropping classes and failing the simplest of classes just due to lack of concentration.

I recently started going to film school and soon after, I was introduced to Meditation. The change that I feel is so huge that I can’t even begin to explain. I now notice a big difference in the way I interact with people. I am not angry with the whole world anymore, I like being around people, I am more outgoing than before. I am getting good grades in school, I am able to pay attention in class and always be on time.

Thanks to Meditation, it feels like it’s the first time that I am truly starting to feel how life was supposed to be lived.


Ivan / Film School Student / Los Angeles, CA 

 My Way of Thinking has changed from Night to Day


maum meditation I was always seeking for happiness outside of myself through books, people, religion, etc. but was never able to find it totally. Something was missing all the time. Sometimes I would feel disappointed, stressed, sad most of the time, wondering why and feeling sorry for myself. But one day, while I was at the public library I saw a brochure about Meditation, so I decided to call to find more information about it. After watching the video and talking to a helper, I decided to give it a try, even though I felt a little bit skeptical. I didn’t really understand how subtracting pictures from my mind would change my life.

The first two weeks of meditating almost every day were very intense. I had never thought about the quantity of pictures I had along with all the feelings that came with them, and then little by little, I started to realize that everything in my mind was fake. I was trapped in my mind world, a dead world! I started looking at the world in a different way. It’s like I had been living life with my eyes closed and all of a sudden opening them. I take meditation as part of my life just like my body needs food to stay alive, the same way I need Meditation.

This first level helped me to understand that I am the universe, as well as my surroundings. It was something, that before Meditation, I had no idea about because I was living my life thinking that the universe and I were two totally different things. My way of thinking has changed from night to day. I look forward to continuing on to the next levels until I complete them all. I want to be reborn! I am so grateful to Meditation.


Veronica / Sales / Torrance, CA

 I Am Starting to See Life for How Beautiful It Can Be maum meditation experienceLike many people, throughout my entire life, I have felt incomplete, always feeling that I would be satisfied if I just achieved a specific goal, or acquired a new object, money or knowledge. Without fail, every time I reached the specific goal, that feeling of lack never went away. I was constantly worried and always looking outward for satisfaction. It was a very painful existence. It was hell.

I began to read as many spiritual books as I could find and pretty much all of them spoke of throwing away the ego or the self that we have created through our past life experience. None of them really explained how to do this though. I attempted to meditate on my own, but I really had no idea how to throw away the ego and release my attachments. Then I found a pamphlet from Meditation. It clearly described a method to do just that.

The method does not add any new knowledge or any doctrine at all. It is simply a method to throw away your ego or false mind world. As this is done, the universal consciousness, God, or whatever you want to call it begins to fill you up. You realize, the more you throw away, the more you become one with everything. You become guided by Love.

I have been a student for about 8 weeks now and have already had many excellent experiences. It is clear to me that as I throw away these attachments through the Meditation method, I am being overtaken by an ever increasing feeling of peace, joy, and completeness. My mind is calm, I worry less, I appreciate life much more, and I am starting to see life for how beautiful it can be. I am sure this method truly works and I am so grateful to be a part of it. Thank you Meditation.


Mike / Car Dealer / San Diego, CA

The World Around Me Feels Full of Life


maum meditation experiencesBefore beginning Meditation I had been meditating on my own for quite some time. I knew there was some kind of benefit to meditating that I could not exactly pin down. I was seeking a cure for my anxieties, moods, insecurities, and fears and had some good experience with more balanced emotions as a result of my efforts. However, after months of self meditation, I grew frustrated and unsure of my own meditation practices.

Around this time I met a friend for coffee where I found the Meditation pamphlet. It was the perfect meditation solution for me. Not only did it address the root cause of all my suffering and mental burden but it had an easy-to-follow and simple methodology as well. I have been practicing Meditation diligently for almost nine months now and each day continues to be the best day of my life. The world around me feels full of life, challenges excite me, people around me seem interesting and beautiful, and I have almost no anxiety or worry.

Meditation has and continues to open doors in my mind that show me new and revealing aspects of my perceived reality. As I continue to meditate, my perspective continues to “upgrade” and renew itself and even old and familiar aspects of life take on new and exciting qualities. I have recommended Meditation to friends who are amazed at how much they have changed in the months since they began to meditate regularly. I can’t believe I used to live with so much clutter in my mind and I am eternally grateful to the founder and the Meditation method.


Chris / Teacher, Musician / Austin, TX

Meditation Is the Real Deal


maum meditation expriences I recall the moment I picked up a Meditation brochure and read it. I liked what I read. I was, however, left wondering if this was yet another brochure about meditation that promised the freedom that I was looking for but would not deliver it. My skepticism disappeared after my first meditation session. I came into the session feeling the ups and downs; stress was intense and burdensome. However, the first session gave me a profound peace. I felt renewed and refreshed, and surprisingly, such feeling did not wane. In fact, it just steadily increased after each session. That seemed too good to be true.

I found what I’d been looking for, and so I made a full commitment to Meditation. I noticed that I was not reacting in my usual negative way to those things that would have upset me. I could even see a humor in situations that would have been annoying and frustrating just a few weeks prior. After Meditation, I can just “chill” and drop my fret and worry.

Now, my life is full of joy and peace that I never thought possible. My life has been dominated with challenging health situations and work related circumstances that are less than ideal, but the peace and joy that I experience is unaffected by these situations and circumstances. This shows how powerful and effective Meditation method is. Also, I am grateful to the superb manner of the helpers and their support.


 Magee / Annandale, VA

Meditation provides the way to get rid of my “self”


Meditation Experiences

 Throughout my entire life, I always felt like there was something missing, but I could never quite put my finger on it. There was a void inside that I was somehow trying to fill. So I kept adding more and more to my plate and stressed myself out in the process. But Meditation was just the opposite. Instead of trying to fill something inside as I had been doing all my life, Meditation provided a simple method of subtraction.

While meditating, I was able to look over my life in great detail.  As I threw away these things from my past, I began to change in my mind and in how I viewed the world. The world truly is a beautiful place that always provided me with everything I had ever needed. But because I was so self-centered, I was blind to everything around me.

Meditation’s method of subtraction provides the way to get rid of my “self” and my self-centered mind which controls my every speech, thought, and action. Meditation allows me to live freely, without judgment and with gratitude because I am free from my “self.”


Ben / Property Manager / Foster CityCA

I love this sense of freedom from unnecessary burdens


maum meditation Before I started this meditation, I was filled with so many fears, doubts, worries, anxiety, cynicism and insecurities. My mind was constantly busy, and that was so exhausting! One of the first things I noticed very shortly after I started this meditation was a sense of inner peace I hadn’t felt in a LONG time – if ever! I felt lighter and more positive.

Gradually, as I looked over my life story, I realized how much I have tried to escape responsibility for my life – how I lived with a sense of entitlement. It has been very humbling to see all the dishonorable things I have done, and I am even more grateful for the family and friends who have forgiven me and stayed by my side despite all of it.

I now move throughout the world with more respect and gratitude. Things that used to really bother me don’t bother me as much. I love this sense of freedom from unnecessary burdens. And yes, I am very grateful to the method!


Lisa / Law Office / SunnyvaleCA

Truth is within reach maum meditation experience

I have tried other forms of meditation in the past, but none stuck because they lacked the method of subtraction.

Soon into Meditation, I found that I began to clear my mind and open my heart to a new joyous feeling. To acknowledge and cleanse one’s sins through Meditation is a powerful acknowledgement that Truth is within reach.

I am grateful to the method, grateful that I have a local center to go to. With deepest and sincerest gratitude, I look forward to my return to the Original Foundation.


Clara / Production Planner / Santa ClaraCA


This is truly an amazing way of living


Meditation Experiences

I had been looking for the answers to questions such as who am I, where did I come from and where am I going? I am a business owner and also at the same time I am working on my Ph.D. Life was very busy and stressful.

I started Meditation about a year ago. That was the best year I ever had in my life and it just gets better. I have clearly answered my question of who I am, where I come from and where I am going. Life is now so simple and joyful. I can run a business with no stress. I can also focus better on my study and research. My overall health has improved greatly as well.

I am so grateful for this meditation method. Thanks to the great teacher Woo Myung and all the helpers. I am so happy that I can live in heaven while I am living. I have also introduced this meditation to some of my friends and co-workers. I can definitely see the positive changes happening to them. This is truly an amazing way of living.


Lily / Business Owner / CarrolltonTX

This is letting go


maum meditation experiences 7 I didn’t know what I was looking for or why I sought, but I had been seeking for over 15 years. I read numerous spiritual books and attended many meditation retreats and workshops; but after I practiced Meditation, all my seeking stopped.

There are many benefits I got from practicing Meditation, but the major one is the letting go of the strong attachment to my daughter. I used to live in her world, always arranging, planning things for her; thinking that I knew what was the best for her life.

That was suffering for me. After subtracting the picture world, I realized that she doesn’t consume my thoughts anymore. I can respect her decisions, her life path….This is freedom for me and my daughter. This is letting go; I feel so free now. I am so grateful for Meditation.


Fwumeei / Computer Engineer / CarrolltonTX

Complete understanding of the root of my emotions

What is MeditationI have always felt a little cutoff.  I knew there had to be more to life than this seemingly endless cycle of dissatisfaction I simply could not break free from. Things would seem ok for a while but eventually that feeling of emptiness would come back and once again I would see that I was spending my whole life barely getting by.  I continued to be overpowered by my emotions, constantly seeking out pleasure and furiously avoiding pain.

I worked very hard to find ways to better myself and improve my relationships with others;  I moved to different cities, focused on my health and fitness, earned degrees and made great friends. But somehow all the work I would put into it amounted to either temporary changes or changes on the outside only. It terrified me that on the inside, I knew not a whole lot had changed.

After starting Maum meditation, my life quickly began to change. I suddenly became viscerally aware of how my thoughts controlled me and every aspect of my life.  I realized I had been trapped in this hellish world I had created for myself. I had been living in the shadow of my past and was not able to see the truth about the world and myself.

Maum meditation taught me how to break free from that self-oppressed state of existence and how to truly cleanse my mind from all the clutter that had been keeping me from moving forward. For the first time in my life I have complete understanding of the root of my emotions and have taken control over them. I no longer live in fear and have no regrets. I no longer expect the world to cater to my own needs.

I’m no longer disappointed because I’m always prepared to face the world no matter what happens. My thoughts are quiet and I always feel calm. Things simply don’t bother me like before. I’m still new to Maum meditation and that is perhaps the most exciting thing about it: That life is only going to get better, so long as I stay true to myself and the world.

I would like to thank all my teachers for showing me that the answers were always right here. I am forever grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned and for my brand new life.

Ivna / Researcher / Boston MA 

Free from Burden, Free from Struggle and Free from Doubt

Meditation VideosWhen I first heard about Meditation, I was very curious to see whether this was another form of thought submissive meditation.

Upon satisfying my curiosity and truly seeking for inner peace and a better understanding of myself I gave it a shot. I started Level 1 and was impressed by how I was leaving the session feeling a difference in my energy Level.

It was such a unique satisfying feeling that I started attending twice a day to maintain that feeling. I immediately felt the need to attend daily and practice this form of meditation to deal with life’s everyday experiences.

As I continued my practice of Level 1 with an open mind to Maum’s method, I became even more satisfied and began to realize more of what was true and false in my earthly travels.

THERE IS A WAY TO BE FREE! Free from burden, free from struggle and free from doubt. My pursuit still continues.

I am now starting Level 3 and needless to say my vision is clearer on what the truth is. I would like to add that I have tried many methods of meditation and affirmations and there is no method like MAUM MEDITATION for me. My family, friends and fianceé would like to thank Meditation.

Derrick / Film & Music Management, New York, NY