Born in a small town located in the Kyeongbuk province of South Korea, Woo Myung experienced many difficulties in life that left him with a yearning for peace. Through sincere introspection. In January of 1996, while meditating in Mount Gaya of South Korea, he achieved enlightenment. When he became enlightened, Woo Myung realized that it was his fate to teach Truth to the people of the world- this is when he founded Meditation in the same year.

Upon the establishment of Meditation, Woo Myung has devoted his life to save people from their false world to the true world, the world of oneness, where eternal peace, great freedom and everlasting happiness exist.  He has dedicated all his time and effort to teach the public how to become complete in the fastest and easiest way. He says the method of becoming complete is to discard one’s false body and mind and to be reborn with the real body and mind of the origin. This is a universal method that works for everyone regardless of gender, age, religion, race or ethnic backgrounds.

Meditation is the place to cleanse both body and mind to become Truth.
As it is cleansed of falseness, your mind becomes clear and true, and thus, it becomes more comfortable.
Because all illnesses are caused by the mind, there are many cases where people are cured from their illnesses and become healthier after practicing Meditation.
Meditation exists in order to make human completion possible for everyone.
Anyone can become a saint, know the flow of nature,
and go to the forever-living heaven where life and death are one while living.

Meditation is the place where the ultimate purpose of mankind’s existence can be achieved.

Due to Woo Myung’s sincere dedication to teach people truth and the precise method to become complete, Meditation is now one of the fastest growing organizations around the world. As the practitioners confirm that their false mind, i.e. stress and burden, disappears and they become to live as truth, many more are continuously involved in the practice for human completion.

Woo Myung is also a renowned writer: he has written 10 books, of which 5 copies already ranked in the bestsellers in South Korea. His latest book <Stop Living in This Land Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness Live There Forever> was published in English and was released worldwide in 2012.  In the same year, it reached #1 weekly bestseller on, which is the world’s largest online bookstore, and ranked as a bestseller in 10 categories:  Self-help, Mental health, Philosophy, Meditation, and more. Furthermore, his tenth book was listed in the Top 100 Bestsellers of 2012 at the same bookstore. He wrote poems on enlightenment as well, set them to music he composed, and sang them for people to gain enlightenment by listening to or singing the songs that speak words of wisdom. As another means of teaching truth, he wrote more poems in his unique and genuine calligraphy.

Woo Myung’s ultimate vision is to see the history of mankind, which has thus far continuously been of rapid material development due to the false attachments, to change so that man can discard the falseness within himself and enter the age of a new world – a world of the true consciousness where anyone can become a saint and a holy person, a world of great freedom and liberation, a world where everlasting happiness lasts.