Thou art my thoughts, my present and my future. Thou art my hearts supreme, it’s only joy. I love thee more than any earthly creature.I love thee dear, I love thee dear.I love thee now and for eternity.I love thee now and for eternity. One thought of thee drives all other thought from me.Pledged to thy good alone this heart shall be.For to whatever fate God’s will may doom me.I love thee dear, I love thee dear.

I love thee now and for eternity.

I love thee now and for eternity.

Du mein Gedanke, du mein Sein und WerdenDu meines Herzens erste SeligkeitIch liebe dich sei nichts auf dieser ErdenIch liebe dich, Ich liebe dichIch liebe dich in Zeit und EwigkeitIch liebe dich in Zeit und EwigkeitIch denke dein, kann stets nur deiner denken

nur deinem Gluek ist dieses Herz geweiht

wie Goot auch mag des Lebens Schicksal lenken

Ich liebe dich ich liebe dich

Ich liebe dich in Zeit und Ewigkeit

Ich liebe dich in Zeit und Ewigkeit


Ich liebe dich is a German phrase meaning “I love thee.” A Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg (1843~1907) composed Opus 5 no.3 and inserted Andersen’s poem for words, in order to express his heart to his fiancée Nina Hagerup, a lyric soprano. Nina was touched by his heart and married Edvard.

Not only love between male and female, like Edvard and Nina, there are many kinds of love; love between parents and children, love between siblings, love between friends… but which one would be never-changing love? Would there really be unchanging, everlasting love? What would be true love?


Love is to accept

Love is to have no judgment

One can love only when he is the Creator’s mind

One can love only when he is the Great Soul and Spirit of Truth

One can love

Only when his mind is that of Truth and free from his self

True love is only possible for one who has the biggest mind

True love is only possible for the living

Who are reborn as the soul and spirit of Truth.

Only Truth can love

True love of the enemy is only possible

When one becomes Truth

Love is to see as it is since you are Truth and without self

True love is

Not to make judgments

Not to have discernment

Great nature gives food and light from the sun

Blows wind and gives water

Without the mind that it has given

That great nature is Truth, love

True love does without the mind of doing

True love is unconditional

A love that is without expectations

True love is the law of nature itself

True love is great

True love does not have a mind of its own

But it is nature’s mind, the Creator’s mind

It is the mind that accepts everything

The mind which exists but is non-existent

It is the mind that sees things as they are without judgment


Poem from Teacher Woo Myung’s, True Love