Wisdom's Webzine

Dear Mom,

Remember when I came back home crying because I scraped my knee on the sidewalk? And when I cried and called your name you spread your arms out to receive me and I cried in your bosom. Mom, remember when I came back home crying because the kids on the school bus were making fun of me? Remember when I came home crying because I had just broken up with my boyfriend? And whenever I came home, Mom, you were always there.

I know that every Mother’s Day when I was younger I picked you flowers or made you breakfast in bed. But this time, I wanted to write you a letter. I’ve been thinking, I’ve never been truly appreciative of you nor have I known what kind of entity you truly were. Mom, now that I have become older, I think I can now understand. You were always unconditionally giving. The unconditional love that you always gave certainly was taken for granted but I am thankful now. Mom, now you have grown old and weak. It breaks my heart that I was not able to return home sooner. Your heart must have bled and you must have felt betrayed. But still when I came back home, you spread your arms out to receive me. There is nothing more comforting and warming than being back in your embrace.

Mom, there is no flower on this earth that is more beautiful than you are. Mom, thank you for raising me. Mom, thank you for even bringing me into this world. Mom, thank you for everything. I love you, Mom.