Beyoncé was the heroin of the 2011 Billboard Awards night. The ending performance was hers. She danced to the illustrations projected on the stage. She made perfect moves without any glimpse of lapsing from the projections. It was too perfect to believe it was a live show. In the end, it was even hard to distinguish real Beyoncé from Beyoncé’s own projection. She effortlessly rapped and sang while performing perfect and powerful dance moves. She indeed had grandeur, utterly gripping audiences so that they just had to be indulged in Beyoncé.

Beyoncé Knowles sings explosively. Her dance performances are equally as stunning. She built up her reputation as a lead vocal for Destiny’s Child, the 1990’s it-group. She is not the world’s no.1 diva but she isthe icon and idol for many. ‘I wish I could sing like her…’ many people if not everyone probably think at least once when seeing her on the stage. Many aspiring talents hold her as their role model. Beyoncé truly deserves to be called a diva. Her painstaking effort is patently obvious in every stage performance, especially that one at the Billboard Awards night. How much effort would she have poured in just for this five-minute performance? She might have practiced day and night for the prior few months, or maybe years. Beyoncé undoubtedly works heartily with what she’s been given. She is indeed a real superstar who even enjoys working.

Prior to Beyoncé’s performance, a short video clip is played. A number of celebrities, including the First Lady of America, Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder, and her family talk about Beyoncé. Her mother, Tina Knowles, says Beyoncé sang and did shows at home since she was young. She added that no one wanted to visit her home since Beyoncé made them sit for her show and even give money for it. It definitely shows her fiery passion since a young age. “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” This quote by Thomas Edison is perfect for Beyoncé.

Beyoncé only works. At an interview, she said, “Whenever I feel bad, I use that feeling to motivate me to work harder. I only allow myself one day to feel sorry for myself. I ask myself ‘what are you gonna do about it?’ I use the negativity to fuel the transformation into a better me.” She even integrates her negativity to her work to improve and become a better singer. She never stops transforming into a better artist by tightening herself up from time to time. With her tenacity, she continues to work very hard and does her best every day for the work she’s been given.

Beyoncé says, “When I leave this world, I’ll leave no regrets.”-