Abstract Art by Nature

No art is greater than nature.

When we appreciate the abstract paintings mankind ‘invented’ hanging in galleries across the world, we have to struggle to find the meaning behind those works.

However, when observing nature’s abstract art exhibited throughout the entire world, we see that nature is the embodiment of Providence.

How much did mankind really ‘create’?

Everything originally existed from the beginning. Everything that man created is rather an emulation of nature.

Wisdom's Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

The irregular forms or regular patterns nature creates…

Even when the patterns seem irregular, the Providence of the Universe hidden inside makes such abstract art ‘perfect’.

Only a person who let’s go of his ego, called the ‘self,’ can see the perfection of nature.

Knowing that ‘irregularity’ and ‘regularity’ are not separate but eventually ‘one’ is a privilege that one enjoys if he has ever silently observed nature as it is.

Wisdom's Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

Nature’s abstract art is created by lines and faces, lights and colors.

Now, let’s open our mind’s eye to see that the empty space in the photos is actually completely filled with infinite energy.

Wisdom's Webzine

photo by xiapp