Since I was young, I’ve been very interested in philosophy. Because I was so interested in figuring out the reason why human beings live, why they eat and earn money, and where they go when they die, I majored in philosophy at college. I’m still a philosophy maniac who searches for and reads all different philosophical books. When you take a look at many of the well-known celebrities: Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and many others… They left behind remarkable achievements, but they actually died in sickness or in pain. Once people die, they cannot take anything with them, can they?

stop living in this land go to the everlasting world of happiness live there forever

I have truly been wondering about such matters. I, too, live an ordinary life, one just like others so one day, I willvanish like dust. There is not a single person who can avoid this inevitable fate. Not long ago, while surfing the net, I stumbled upon an article on a book. This book was introduced as an Amazon best-selling book. I was curious to see what was so special about its content for it to have hit no. 1, so I ordered the book from When I received the book, its yellow cover with the golden Korean calligraphy was eye-catching. I then started to read page by page, and finished reading it within two days. After having finished reading, I just felt such satisfaction! The author wrote the book focusing on the subjects I’d been curious about, itching to find the answers to – why human beings were born, why they live, and where they go upon death. The author also portrayed Truth, God and religions in a detailed yet easy-to-comprehend style. I felt this book was quite unparalleled in the sense that the subjects I’d been wondering about were written from an ordinary perspective rather than the perspectives of religions like Christianity or Buddhism. The book is divided into about 4 chapters, but especially in the last chapter, which is a collection of his poems, the poems are about nature, philosophy, life, and Truth. Some of these poems are so inspiring that I even jotted down some important parts.

Other than the last chapter, it is mostly written in a question and answer form. So, it was not boring at all to read through a book. I have already finished reading this book and lent it to my wife to read, too. We should share our favorite excerpts and quotes with one another, shouldn’t we? As a 60 year old and retiree this book resonates within me.

This book contains such great content that I’d like to strongly recommend this book to everybody.

Although you live a life, about 80 years later, on average, everyone dies. But if you want to know, before you die, the meaning of life, why you live, and why it is important to lead a good life and how to live so, I insist that you should read this book.

You’ll feel your mind become much lighter.