Pralima/ Student, Boston/ Massachusets


Pralima MeditationI always wished to be happy and for everyone around me to be happy. However, it seemed like happiness was always conditional and fleeting. To fulfill my yearnings for happiness, I participated in different physical activities, listened to music, socialized with friends, volunteered at organizations, spent more time with people I loved immensely. During those activities, I felt happy, but soon after, I felt a void within. It seemed like my life was filled with cycles of ups and downs. I questioned the impermanence of life and feared losing loved ones. At the same time, I couldn’t understand why according to situations, I sometimes reacted with love, sympathy, positivity and patience; other times I reacted with hatred, judgment, fear, defense and negativity. I really wanted to perfect my character; I felt like I didn’t know myself. Sorting out my thoughts to get to know myself better didn’t work. Reading self help books and quotations didn’t get me anywhere because I couldn’t always implement the tips from them. So I just accepted that this is life and continued with my routine.

Then one Friday evening, as I was unwinding after a long work week with a close friend, I found a beautiful Meditation flier on her kitchen floor. I casually noted the phone number and out of curiosity, called the number the very next day. Coincidentally, there was a seminar on that day. I found everything that was covered in the seminar to be very interesting. I was amazed that the meditation was guided and methodical. Before, whenever I tried to meditate, I just didn’t know what to do and I always ended up being more frustrated. I decided to give it a try and after the very first session, my mind felt so clear that when I left the meditation center, it felt like I walked into a completely new world. I instantly knew this was what I needed to do. I quickly became a regular meditator at the Boston Meditation Center. I found the methods of Meditation to be very precise, logical and easy to follow. Throughout all the levels of Meditation, I truly confirmed within myself my identity and answers to all my questions in life. After completion of the meditation, I am truly happy all the time regardless of the conditions. I am now able to appreciate my life and everyone around me. I am truly thankful to Meditation and with the greatest sincerity, I invite you to try it for yourself.